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地       址:南宁市西乡塘区科园西十路利贞物流园                    

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发布者:利贞物流 发布日期:2018-09-04
Debon launched the ESOP, the total amount of funds does not exceed 220 million
Debon shares issued an employee stock ownership plan draft in the evening of September 2nd. The announcement shows that the scope of participants in the shareholding plan includes no more than 2300 directors and supervisors of the company, other employees of the company and holding subsidiaries, and the total number of holders at the time of initial establishment is 173 (excluding reserved shares). The number of participants is determined according to the actual payment of employees.
It is reported that the total amount of funds for the ESOP will not exceed 220 million yuan at the time of its establishment. The funds will come from the incentive funds drawn by the company, the employees'self-financing funds and the loans provided by the controlling shareholders. The stock source of the holding plan is the purchase of A shares of Deutsche Bond common stock through the secondary market of the relevant asset management plan. The ESOP is not extended for more than 60 months.
According to the draft, the equity of the underlying stock will be distributed to the holder in three phases, 33%, 33% and 34% respectively, 12, 24 and 36 months after the company announces the transfer of the last underlying stock to the name of the management plan.
而对于资金来源为奖励基金的,其股票权益的解禁和分配则将依据公司2019年至2021年度业绩考核结果而定。其中,在公司层面的业绩考核指标有关净利润的要求是,2019年、2020年、2021年归属于上市公司股东的扣非后净利润分别不低于4.68 亿元、5.7亿元和6.96亿元。若净利润等业绩指标达标后,公司则将于三个解锁期内分别以33%、33%及34%的比例解锁并分配。
For the incentive fund, the dissolution and distribution of equity will be based on the company's performance appraisal results from 2019 to 2021. Among them, the net profit requirement of the performance appraisal index at the company level is that the net profit after deduction of shareholders belonging to listed companies in 2019, 2020 and 2021 should be no less than 468 million yuan, 570 million yuan and 696 million yuan, respectively. If the net profit and other performance indicators meet the target, the company will be unlocked and allocated in 33%, 33% and 34% of the three unlocking periods, respectively.
Cui Weixing said in an internal speech that the new stock ownership plan is based on the original incentives added, will not affect the original plan. Previously, the company's long-term incentive plan covered only B8 and all B9 and above for more than two years, this equity incentive also covered the B6-7 level; the original long-term incentive plan actually covered 412 people in 2017, this equity incentive plan will cover more than 2000 people, accounting for about 14.0% of B6 and above personnel.
Cui Weixing also pointed out that this incentive scale is far greater than many peers. In the future, as long as the company's performance is good, the equity incentive plan will be introduced year by year, and the incentive coverage will gradually expand.

